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Owen Reed Legal Recruitment

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The UK’s legal eagle, with an eye for talent.
Owen Reed Legal Recruitment

Saniha Hairan 

Talent Acquisition Executive 

Saniha graduated from the University of Hertfordshire with a Law degree, following this, she completed her Masters in International relations in the year of 2019.  Saniha elected to study law because she felt it would best aid her passion of helping people and making a positive difference in the lives of others.

Saniha is a British citizen of Afghan heritage, she was raised in the heart of London, a city that is known for its inclusive and diverse culture.  Being a woman of Afghan decent is very important to her as she feels she is the voice of women in Afghanistan.  Whilst growing up in London, Saniha felt at home as she created new memories with her family and made a connection with the city.  While growing up Saniha heard stories about the loss and hurt of her family, she hoped to make a difference in the world in any way possible.  Hence, her passion to help people started at a very young age.

Here at Owen Reed, Saniha feels she is using this platform and making a difference in someone’s life. Her life experience has given her the courage to speak openly about sensitive topics such as race, culture and mental health.

Saniha has worked in various employment sectors excelling in her organisational and time management skills.  Saniha has very strong communications skills and has the ability to build strong connections.

Saniha enjoys cooking and exploring different food cuisines.  She would like to explore different parts of the world and different cultures.

Tel: 0207 247 9469 
Saniha Hairan | Owen Reed London

Our Team

Jess Degnan 

Talent Acquisition Executive 
Tel: +44 (0)20 7247 9469 

Macey Rothon 

Macey Rothon
Talent Acquisition Executive 
Tel: 0207 247 9469 

Saniha Hairan 

Saniha Hairan | Owen Reed London
Talent Acquisition Executive 
Tel: 0207 247 9469 

Archie Somasegaran 

Archie Somasegaran Owen Reed London
Tel: 0207 247 9469 

Ashish Shrestha 

Candidate Consultant 
Tel: 0207 247 9469 

Anna Wallbank 

Anna Wallbank
Managing Director 
Tel: 0207 247 9469 