Some people study law and others, well, they were born for it! A great example is those who debate, analyse situations like a detective, or give unsolicited advice like lawyers do, which surely finds a calling for the courtroom.
Well, by blood, if you need to find signs, you will maybe recognise yourself with a few of them.
1. Winning Arguments Has Come Too Easy to You Since Kindergarten
Unlike every kid who has the idea of arguing to split toys into equal portions, your unique case was put forward where you had a well-elaborated claim over the last cookie. Your storytelling capabilities and convincing power to guide children(and adults) was outmatched at such a young age where pre-school activities required the use of “speech as tool for influence”.
2. Negotiation is Almost Like Breathing to You
If someone offers a payment, car, even conversation appointment, for you always have to work hard to not take the first offer? If it comes naturally to you as to most, you must be someone who possesses the attribute to have others perceive things differently.
3. You Have an Obsessive Fixation with Regulations and Intricate Details
While other individuals mindlessly check the "Agree" box without any thought, you actually read the terms and conditions. You know rules are not meant to be followed blindly, but can also be interpreted. You enjoy discovering those gaps that most people overlook.
4. Your Go-To Response for Foolishness Is ‘Objection!’
You do not allow incomplete information to go unchecked. If it is a friend misrepresenting a quote from a law or a family member spinning a narrative or someone picking a fight with an injustice, you are always prepared to set the record straight – with evidence.
5. You Are the Master at Managing Emails
Your informal emails would strike as intimidating because they are far too organised and professional for casual correspondence. Even the words "just checking in" would remind someone of a legal document.
6. Even Before Attaining Your Degree, People Seek Out Your Counsel on Legal Issues
Your relatives, including your distant cousins, regard you as their resident legal specialist, and they are totally not wrong. Lease agreements? Issues in the workplace? Moving violation citations? Somehow, it makes you the subject of every answer among your peers.
7. You Have An Exceptional Ability To Identify A Loophole From Some Distance
Compliance is just one side of the coin, and exceptions are the other. You have an exceptional ability to notice the intricacies and other structures that most people overlook and offer a different point of view.
8. You Cross-Examine Like A Pro
You are so skilled at extracting information that it feels like you are professionally cross-examining someone. A person tells you a story, and all of a sudden, you are full of follow-up questions that require a million answers. “Interesting... you said you got there at 7, but the store closes at 6. How does that even work?!”
9. You're Addicted To Watching Legal Dramas- But You Argue With The Screen
You get addicted to all the other legal movies, including "Suits," "How to Get Away With Murder," and even "Legally Blonde," but point out everything that goes wrong. (“That is NOT how evidence works!”)
10. Your Wardrobe Has More Blazers Than Casual Clothes
You proudly own a closet with not one but multiple suits. Just imagine the amount of power you would have if you wore those regularly. Just like the rest of the suit does, the intimidation blazer serves its sole purpose in your closet. Even on days when all you want is to lounge in comfortable clothes, you look more like a court attendant than a simple citizen.
11. You're A Natural At Debating- Even If You Argue Against Yourself
You are skilled enough to take either side of an argument thrown at you and still pull a win regardless if you agree or disagree with the statement being argued. In fact, it is much more interesting to see you debating against yourself and not believing your personal argument.
12. You Can't Stand Injustice
Unfortunately, the world we live in today is filled with so many faults, and one of those is treating a person unfairly. And your universal truth is there is no way you are not intolerant of a person disrespecting others. You have no fear of proving a point, and you definitely have had a strong sense of what is fair for a long time now.
13. Research is an Activity You Enjoy Daily, Even When It Is Optional
Whenever there is a topic of interest, you pursue it without judgment. Upon discovering it, you confirm the information and, at the end, you have a whole case study prepared.
14. You Are Good Under Pressure
If you have a tight deadline or if the stakes are high, you are in control. Those around you may panic, but with you, the situation is controlled and focused.
15. You are Intuitive
One can use your excessive scrutinisation of body language, subtle meanings, tone, and intention to determine when a person is lying—or is lying by omission. Your capability to read people is impressive.
16. You Are a Master of Deceit
Challenging you is not a good idea. Your arguing skills can quickly get you out of trouble, and to put it simply, these skills have helped you out too many times to count.
17. Fascinating Documents are Focused on Different Types of Agreements
You, like anyone else, dread the thought of reading. In contrast, you thoroughly enjoy examining every formable clause and dissecting it along with spotting ambiguities.
18. Evidence is Always in Your Possession
You do not merely make claims, but rather, you furnish them with receipts, screenshots, and timestamps. With the presence of someone who challenges you, proof is always prepared for use.
19. You Typically Do Not Have a High Tolerance for Foolishness
Attempts to create flimsy arguments, make illogical arguments, or reason such as “mother said so” are in order? No way in heaven or earth that will happen. If someone is trying to execute BS into an argument, you will refute them.
20. You Believe the System of Justice is Important—Even When It is Not Convenient for You
In any case, what distinguishes you is that basic and humanistic passion for fairness and Advocacy. You are not in it only for the argument; you are indeed fighting for a cause.
Final Verdict? You Have Always Been Prepared to Be a Woman in Law
If you have been nodding in agreement for most (or all) of this, well done – you've prepared yourself to be a woman in law. The world is in constant need of outstanding, professionally trained women lawyers, and this is the exact reason you are showing us that you are one of them.
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